Bendle Family Health Services
Bendle is proud to be one of the first in the area to offer on-site health services for the whole family. This is a result of research ranging from formal County assessments, community surveys, agency studies to informal assessments and observations. If you have suggestions, comments or need assistance, please contact Bendle Family Health Services.
Call for an appointment, 591-9012
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
8:00 am-12:00 PM and 1:00-4:00 pm
2294 E. Bristol Road (Bendle Middle School-South Entrance)

Counseling services
Illness or injury
Physicals for students
Head lice counseling
- Individual and/or family counseling
- Health insurance information
- WIC Services (Women, Infants, Children)
WIC is available for pregnant women and children ages 5 years and under living in the 48529 zip code at Bendle Family Health Services. Call 591-9012 for more information.
Developmental testing
Additional Services by Referral Include
Reminders About Medications During The School Day
Any medications taken at school require the "Authorization for the Use of Medicines at School" form be completed and signed. This form and the medication prescribed, in its original container, will be kept in the office. Students can carry emergency medications, such as inhalers, if approved in writing by a physician and parent. NO medications over the counter or prescriptions are to be carried by the student without proper approval. Please notify the school office or clinic for the form if your child needs medications during the school day.