
Bendle Public Schools


Contact the transportation office to determine if you live in the walking or bussing area for your child's school. Bus transportation is provided for students that live in the bussing areas only for South Bendle and West Bendle. The only middle  and high school students that will receive transportation are those that live on Cheyenne, Menominee and Glengary. Please have your children at the bus stop a minimum of 5 minutes before the scheduled pickup time. 

Bus transportation is a privilege.  Any students that do not follow the bus rules will not be permitted to ride the bus. Excellent behavior is expected of all students. Anything that distracts the bus driver becomes a safety concern.

Children are to enter the bus in an orderly manner and find a seat quickly.  They must remain properly seated until the bus arrives at school or back at the student’s assigned bus stop. All elementary children who must cross Saginaw Street or Bristol Rd. (except at the catwalk) are expected to ride the bus.  Other arrangements should be made with the building principal by the parent/guardian. 

Students are not allowed change buses or bus tops without prior written approval from their parent.  It must be signed by the principal or his/her designee. Verbal request or phone calls will not be accepted. Students that ride on a regular basis will be placed on the bus unless other written instructions are on file.

Bus Rules and Procedures for students are as follows:

1. Show respect to the bus drivers/supervisors.
2. Show respect to other bus passengers.
3. Show respect for the bus and contents.
4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
5. Keep all body parts inside the bus.
7. Use “proper” school language.
8. Remain calm and helpful.
9. Follow directions of the bus drivers/supervisors
10. No food, drink or gum is to be consumed on the bus.
11. No teasing others.
12. Ask bus drivers to solve problems. Don’t take matters into your own hands.

Bus drivers may “write up” students who they feel are breaking a rule or distracting the driver. The form is given to the building principal to talk with the student and take appropriate action. A copy is mailed home to the parents.

Students may be suspended from the bus in response to any incident write-up depending on the severity of the offense. Additional incidents may result in longer bus suspensions or removal from the bus for the remainder of the school year. Bendle’s main concern is the safety of all students and transportation staff members.

We make every attempt to ensure busses will be running on schedule. Busses may be delayed due to inclement weather, student situations or other unexpected reasons. Please make sure your children know what to do if their bus does not arrive as scheduled.

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